Final event

Date and Location

Thursday 30th January 2020, Registration form

CEIT- Miramon Technology Park ,Paseo Mikeletegi, 48
20.009, Donostia – San Sebastián

Free registration (fees and coffees)
Contact to:
Deadline registration: 27th of January

NEOHIRE Showcase

Download the showcase in PDF format (136Kb).

Time Title Speaker
9:15 Welcome by the host José Manuel Martín (CEIT)
9:30 Atomization of magnetic materials José Manuel Martín (CEIT)
10:00 Grain growth kinetics in NdFeB gas atomised powders Gabriela Sarriegui (CEIT)
10:30 New magnetic components for electrical machines. An electrical designer’s perspective Miguel Martínez-Iturralde (CEIT)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:30 Recycling of Rare Earth magnets Allan Walton (UoB)
12:00 Solvometallurgical recycling of Nd-Fe-B magnets: opportunities and limits Martina Orefice (KU Leuven)
12:30 Life Cycle Sustainability approach in NEOHIRE Project Massimo Delogu-Lorenzo Berzi (UNIFI)
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Current trends in REE magnets manufacturing Boris Saje (KOLEKTOR)
15:00 Fatigue behavior of bonded magnets Klaus Lipp (FRAUNHOFER LBF)
15:30 Permanent magnets electric machines Xabier Calvo (INDAR)
16:00 Amorphous and nanocrystalline Fe-base soft magnetic powders for high frequency applications Kenny Alvarez (CEIT, PCUV)
16:30 Soft magnetic microwires for sensor applications Arkady Zhukov (UPV/EHU)
17:00 End of showcase





Registration form

Free registration (fees and coffees)
Contact to:
Deadline registration: 20th of January


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  • Start date: 01/02/2017
  • End date: 31/01/2020