

WP No Del Rel. No Title Nature
WP2 D2.1 Samples from both powder sources (fresh and recycling) by both injection and compression moulding technologies at lab scale Demonstrator
WP2 D2.4 Final samples from both powder sources (fresh and recycling) by both injection and compression moulding technologies at lab scale Demonstrator
WP3 D3.3 PM prototype validation Demonstrator
WP3 D3.4 MODA Report
WP4 D4.3 Intermediate process flow sheet for the recovery of REEs & Co from bonded PM and of REEs from sintered PM Other
WP4 D4.4 Final process flow sheet for the recovery of REEs & Co from bonded PM and of REEs from sintered PM Other
WP4 D4.5 Intermediate process flow sheet for the production of Nd2O3 (99.9% purity) from end-of-life NdFeB magnets Other
WP4 D4.6 Final process flow sheet for the production of Nd2O3 (99.9% purity) from end-of-life NdFeB magnets Other
WP5 D5.3 Interim report on comparative LCA&LCC & Social LCA regarding NdFeB material solutions Report
WP5 D5.4 Interim report on comparative LCA&LCC for NdFeB Permanent Magnet manufacturing processes Report
WP5 D5.5 Report on comparative LCA&LCC for NdFeB PM recycling processes Report
WP5 D5.6 Report on comparative “cradle-to-grave” LCA&LCC, including the relevant differences within the PM Generator production and use phase. Report
WP5 D5.8 Final report on comparative LCA&LCC & Social LCA regarding NdFeB material solutions Report
WP5 D5.9 Final report on comparative LCA&LCC for NdFeB Permanent Magnet manufacturing processes Report
WP6 D6.4 Project website and social network profiles Websites
WP6 D6.5 First Dissemination and communication plan &   Dissemination material Report
WP6 D6.6 Intermediate Dissemination and communication plan &   Dissemination material Report
WP6 D6.7 Final Dissemination and communication plan &   Dissemination material Report
WP6 D6.8 First Publishable summary Report
WP6 D6.9 Final Publishable summary Report
WP6 D6.10 Final event Other